What We Do

We are Wilmington Central Rotary

Wilmington Central Rotary is a service organization bringing together business and professional leaders in order to provide humanitarian service. We welcome all regardless of race, color, creed, religion, gender or political preference. We gather weekly for lunch to develop friendships and as an opportunity for service.

Since 2000, our local club of business and professional leaders has donated over $327,000 to local charitable organizations and those in need, and belong to a worldwide organization of similar clubs that are devoted to their communities and to promoting world peace.

The Rotarian’s primary motto is “Service Above Self.” Our club applies the Rotary 4-way test in respect to the things we think, say and do:

  1. Is it the truth?
  2. Is it fair to all concerned?
  3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
  4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

What is Rotary?


The mission of Rotary is to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through membership of business, professional and community leaders.


The core values that help guide and mold our culture are service, fellowship, diversity, integrity and leadership.


We believe that peace comes from understanding our world, which is a bi-product of service activities and our programs. Service is one of the main elements of our mission and the initiatives we pursue within our club. There is no greater satisfaction than that which comes from serving others.


We believe that in the pursuit of service to others, we can accomplish unity. Through the diversity of our membership, our organization is able to broaden the scope of activities, programs, and services we can provide.


We believe in developing and nurturing current and future leaders in our community. Through the Four-Way Test, we hope to inspire others with the ideal of service above self.